Eva von Redecker
Rarely has freedom been discussed as intensively as during the pandemic: the freedom to travel, to move around without restrictions, to meet people wherever you want. But how sustainable is such a spatially defined concept of freedom? After all, we are facing times in which places to live are dwindling and the climate crisis or wars could make entire regions uninhabitable. The philosopher Eva von Redecker therefore takes a completely new approach to freedom: as the freedom to live in a place where we can stay. Lead freedom unfolds over time. As a freedom that can also be lived in the future, it not only focuses on the preservation of our livelihoods, it also reduces the distance between the freedom of individuals and their community. Lead freedom can only be achieved together. And it grows when we share it.
Eva von Redecker is a philosopher and author. She studied philosophy, German studies and history and was a research assistant at the Humboldt University in Berlin and a visiting scholar at Cambridge University and the New School for Social Research in New York. Her research topics include critical theory, feminism and critique of capitalism.
Introduction: Dr. Monika Obermaier
Date: 25.11.2024
Time: 20:00