
Insa Thiele-Eich

When did it rain for the first time? How can I predict the weather myself? Did a ray of sunshine make the painter Monet famous? And is the swallow actually the better weatherman? Meteorologist Insa Thiele-Eich knows everything about the weather and much more. She takes us on an entertaining and at the same time instructive journey through the world of clouds, winds and worm hotels - and shows us why trees don't change color everywhere in the fall, why we become aggressive in the heat and what old farming rules are all about. Thiele-Eich not only conveys the basics of research in a witty and original way, but also bizarre facts: This guarantees that conversations about the weather will never be boring again.

A native of Heidelberg, Dr. Insa Thiele-Eich coordinates the University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Bonn and conducts research on climate change and health. At the same time, she is preparing for her first flight into space. Since 2022, she has hosted the podcast Stardust with Linda Zervakis.

As part of the International Science Festival - Geist Heidelberg

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Date: 08.12.2023

Time: 20:00


Clouds, worms, world events - weather is simply everywhere