Public Science?
So it goes, even in the well-known German children’s song, "Die Wissenschaft hat festgestellt…“(Scientific research has shown that...). But what exactly does scientific research show and what contribution does it make to educating the public? Ideals of humanistic and economic educations are quickly pitted against each other, and the debate begins. The fact that scientific research is characterised by uncertainty is often forgotten. Practical problems such as how basic research should be financed and how research scandals should be portrayed to the public, remain a challenge. Are we risking ideological regression? How can we ensure that scientific education is future-proof? How can we profit from scientific policy and what are its mission statements? What public does scientific research require, and what sicentific research does the public require?
We invite you to participate in this open discussion.
Theresia Bauer
Minister for Science, Research and the Arts, Baden-Württemberg, Die Grünen
Professor Klaus Dicke
Political scientist and former Rector, University of Jena
Professor Elsbeth Stern
Researcher of Teaching and Learning, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zürich)
Patrick Bahners
Journalist and author, FAZ Feuilleton
Language: German

Date: 20.11.2015
Time: 20:00
Bauer, Dicke, Stern & Bahners