Zero Waste or Waste Apocalypse?
Since time immemorial, human existence has also been associated with its legacies, and waste has always been a testimony to mankind. But what history is our waste writing today? Many cycles are not intact, garbage is overflowing en masse, strategies for avoidance, landfill, recovery or processing are often lacking, despite - and because of - our highly complex industrial culture. But is a world without waste conceivable today?
Prof. Dr. Peter Quicker researches thermal waste utilization at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen and is editor of the Waste Handbook.
Dr. Henning Wilts heads the Circular Economy Department at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and is responsible for the European Environment Agency's annual progress report on waste prevention.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gilian Gerke researches at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal in the field of resource management, plastics recycling and ecological monitoring
Moderation: Alina Schadwinkel, Editorial Director
In cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Baden-Württemberg.
In the context of theInternational Science Festival - Geist Heidelberg
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Date: 27.10.2021
Time: 20:00